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Hire Charges​ - 2024

36m x 75m Indoor Arena

8am-5pm : £650 including lights

8am-12pm / 1pm-5pm: £350 including lights

Additional Hour or Part thereof: £75

Our indoor school is also available to hire by the hour - perfect if you are thinking of competing in the dressage series or just want somewhere different to ride, school or exercise your horse.

Individual Hire for 1 horse : £40 per hour

Additional Horses : £5 per hour each

Electricity (if required) : £5 per hour


Discounts available when booking 3 or more dates in any season.

Equipment Hire

Roundpen - £10 for up to 1 hour

Trail Equipment - £50 per day

Stables - £25 per day

Dressage Whiteboards - £5 per hour

We hold a music licence enabling you to use our PA system and equipment during your events.

When hiring equipment we ask that is is put away neatly as you found it.

30m x 60m Outdoor Arena

8am-5pm : £450

8am-12pm / 1pm-5pm: £250

Additional Hour or Part thereof: £50

Our outdoor school can be hired in conjunction with our indoor school for a discounted day rate.

8am-5pm in Conjunction with the Indoor Arena: £300


1st October - 30th April

£25 per hour for a minimum of 2 hours


1st May - 30th September

£20 per hour for a minimum of 2 hours

Hire of our mezzanine area is for a minimum of 2 hours but can be hired in conjunction with our indoor arena if you would like to hold your own event etc.

Our on-site cafe can be opened by prior arrangement at no additional charge provided there are sufficient numbers

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